Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Reviews from our Harry Potter Challenge!

Students challenged each other to read Harry Potter for the first time. So many participated that I ran out of copies of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. Below our several of the reviews that have come back for the first Harry Potter book. Some were noticeably more excited than others.

3.5/5 Stars
            This book is about a boy named Harry Potter who finds out he is a wizard and goes to Hogwarts (wizard school) and learns how to be a wizard.
I thought this was an okay book and I might recommend this book, but it would not be a book I would recommend to everyone. My opinion is that it is a pretty good book, but some of the parts are kind of boring and not a lot happens.

4/5 Stars
            Let me start by saying I never thought I would write this review.
            Harry goes to Hogwarts and figures out about a thing called the Sorcerer’s Stone. He does his best to protect the stone.
            The book was much better than I expected it to be. The beginning was slow but it sped up after that. I do recommend this book because it was not terrible.

6/5 Stars
            Harry survives a curse that killed his parents. He lives a miserable life with the Dursleys for ten years. Later, a giant named Hagrid tells Harry that he has been accepted at Hogwarts, a school of magic and witchcraft. On the train to Hogwarts he meets Ron and Hermione, and during the sorting ceremony Harry is placed in Gryffindor. Harry soon figures out that someone is after the Sorcerer’s Stone and works with Ron and Hermione to protect it.

            I loved the book! It was so good, I gave it six stars. There is a funny part where Malfoy runs away like a coward. I recommend this book because Harry Potter is full of surprises and unexpected magic. The plot is full of action.

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